Join the FAM Course


Access the wisdom of your body to reach your fertility and contraceptive goals.

 Join the list to access special waitlist pricing!

Launching May 2025!



Access the wisdom of your body to reach your fertility and contraceptive goals.

 Join the list to access special waitlist pricing!

Next cohort: Spring 2025

You are here because...

You’re a woman deeply craving to fully embody your feminine power.

You’re trying to conceive and finding it more challenging than expected.

You’re frustrated with the limited options and lack of empowered knowledge surrounding women’s health, fertility, and contraceptive choices.

You’re experiencing hormonal symptoms such as acne, headaches, and mood swings, and want to understand what's really going on in your body.

You’re curious about how different forms of birth control work and you're tired of their unpleasant side effects.

You’ve been trying to figure out fertility awareness alone,  but you’re ready to embrace more support and community, finally get the full experience, and meet like-minded women on a similar journey.

You’re trying to conceive and finding it more challenging than expected.

You’re experiencing hormonal symptoms such as acne, headaches, and mood swings, and want to understand what's really going on in your body

You’ve been trying to figure out fertility awareness alone

but you’re ready to embrace more support and community, finally get the full experience and meet like minded women on a similar journey

Let's go even deeper.

Is this you?

You know there’s so much more to the menstrual cycle than what we’re usually taught.

You reject the common narrative of shame and taboo.

You sense a deeper truth within.

A woman’s rhythm and flow is beautiful and sacred. Like the notes of an orchestra blended in perfect harmony.

Perhaps you feel disempowered by your hormones.

Like it’s out to get you and constantly knock you off your feet.
After much struggle,  you're ready to embrace and learn how to live in harmony with your ebb and flow. 

You want to come into closer connection with your body and truly reclaim your womanhood.

Welcome to

The ultimate fertility awareness and body literacy course for women.
Access the wisdom of your body to reach your fertility and contraceptive goals. 
Reclaim your inherent physical and spiritual power as a woman. 
Because the secret that no one ever told you… 
… is that they’re one and the same.

Inside Embodied you will: 

Feel supported to become the expert over your own fertility and cycles.



Learn how to balance the technical rules of FAM with deep intuitive knowing, trust, and embodiment to really own your method and make it the most effective.

Cultivate renewed confidence in yourself and in your cycle.



Gain a clear understanding of the fertility awareness method on a foundational level, as well as through different life stages and circumstances, including postpartum, perimenopause, PCOS, fertility struggles, coming off birth control, and so much more.

Connect with like minded women on a similar journey and learn from each other through the WhatsApp chat, connection calls, and bi-monthly charting circles.

Step into your power as a woman through the wisdom of your body. Learn how becoming fully embodied through your cycle can really birth you into the full woman you’re meant to be in all areas of your life.

Full body yes!

Embodied is the bridge between finally understanding your cycle, your fertility, and who you are as a woman

 And fully owning your power in a truly embodied way.

What does that mean, practically?

Embodied is a 7 week course that gives you all the information every woman should know about her body. The things they don’t teach you in school, and often not even in your bridal preparation classes!

But it’s not only knowledge of your body. It’s how you relate to her. This is arguably the most important relationship of your life! One that informs all others. This is about really knowing yourself, allowing your body to be the portal to your soul, spirit, and psyche.

Because our fertility cycle is a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual process. Our hormones have a powerful impact on our lives. We can continue living as victims to our hormones - the whims and symptoms that seem random and completely out of control -   or we can really own that power. Because it really is ours to reclaim.

You already know if you're meant to be inside

And the first step is awareness.

Your hormones are not as mysterious as we’re led to believe. Learning about our fertility and hormones can help us make more sense of them.

But there’s more...

Awareness is an important step. But embodiment is key.

It’s not very hard to get basic information on fertility awareness. In fact, many students who join Embodied have already read up on it or even taken a class. But knowledge only takes you so far. 

Embodied takes you further. This program is designed to give you the tools and techniques to bring the fertility awareness method into YOUR life in YOUR way. To really integrate the knowledge and embody this integral aspect of womanhood. To open yourself to the gifts and “side effects” this practice can offer.

Well, then. What is the Fertility Awareness Method?

And what are its “side effects?”

As women, we move through cycles. We’re not the same every day. And neither is our fertility.

We cannot get pregnant every day of the cycle.

In fact, it’s usually only a small window of about 5-7 days.

The only catch? It’s not the same 5-7 days for everyone. We each have our own unique cycles and patterns. (Which doesn’t always fit well with our standardized models of healthcare.)

The fertility awareness method teaches you how to become the expert of your own body and learn your unique patterns of fertility.

We do this by becoming body literate - reading and understanding the signs of our body.

Learn how you can do this!

Sounds complicated?

It’s not really.

But it does take commitment to learn and follow through in the beginning.

Just like any other health or life goals.

But once you have the skill, it’s yours for life.

And you only become more and more experienced over time!

And you know what else is complicated?

Birth control side effects.

Fertility struggles.

Hormonal imbalances and debilitating symptoms.

Not making heads or tails of your cycle because no one thought it’s important to have this vital information about your own body.

I learned the hard way, that sometimes the most valuable things in life require a bit of effort and investment.

This was one of the areas that yielded gratifying results and everlasting rewards for myself and for my students and clients.


"The anatomy meditation moved me to tears—which really surprised me, as I’m not usually so emotional! I thoroughly enjoyed the course and found the classes to be phenomenal. Even though I learned the basics in high school, revisiting the subject now - and going deeper - feels entirely different. I entered this course hoping to feel more embodied and in touch with my body and it's right on track. I feel that for me personally, the actual method comes second. 

As the mommy of 2 girls (so far) I feel like this is not only about me reclaiming my birthright, but that I will be able to give it over to them fully and correctly when the time comes. 

So, Thank you again. Looking forward to learning more!”


.My Story:

When I first learned about fertility awareness, I searched high and low for the right person to teach me and support me through this process.

I didn't want to compromise on quality - I knew I wanted to work with a certified fertility awareness educator who really knew her stuff and how to guide me. But I also wanted someone who would understand what this means for me as a frum woman.

 Someone who holds space for the full experience with everything that comes up around fertility awareness. Who can help me truly live by the wisdom of my cycle. 

I didn't end up finding someone back then who checked off all the boxes.

But I did end up finding a calling. To become the person I needed then, so that others can find the right guidance that's really needed in this area.

Over the last few years, I've helped many women learn how to chart their cycles with ease and truly embody the gifts of tracking their cycle.

And I want you to have that, too.

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"The course was clear, practical, beautifully presented with a deep respect to women. Embodied provides you with practical tools to understand your body's natural rhythms and connect to it. This course empowers you with awareness and knowledge about your cycles that accompanies you for life. I highly recommend this course for anyone wanting to take charge of their reproductive health."

-M. J.


"Pessy’s course was loaded with information. She has a kind and friendly demeanor and clear teaching style. Her course addressed so many things I observed but didn’t know what to make of. Pessy made the woman’s cycle a relevant, normal, and natural conversation."


Hey, I'm Pessy

I'm a certified fertility awareness educator, life coach, and kallah teacher. I bring together the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects related to this work. I hold this knowledge as a truly holistic embodiment of who we are as women who move through cycles of fertility.

Fertility is a life force. It's not just about the potential for life, but our existing life as well. This wisdom is here to nurture us! It's the deeper work of reclaiming ourselves in this process that truly impacts our hormones and fertility in the most incredible way.

I'm certified through the AFAP (Association of Fertility Awareness Professionals) and I strive to give the best this field has to offer. As a kallah teacher, and Orthodox Jewish woman, I understand the nuances of incorporating this practice in an Orthodox Jewish lifestyle.

I'm also a mom of 3 who personally practiced the fertility awareness method to both avoid and conceive, applying this knowledge through different life stages, including breastfeeding postpartum and transitioning off the pill. I get it. I've been there. And I'm here to support you.

You can find me on Instagram @reclaimwomanhood or contact me here.


Frequently Asked Questions